Top 10: Brand Strategy Ingredients For Your Sales Page

In my signature course and community, The Brandpolish Academy, I provide a Branded Sales Page Formula as a bonus. It includes a 22 minute video training walk through of how to use specific brand strategy essentials to create a successful sales page. Today I’m giving you a sneak peek at the Top 10 branding ingredients you’ll need to have ready to go!

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Top 10: People Who Need Your Brand Strategy

One of the key benefits to proactively developing your brand strategy foundation is how easy it makes it for team members and hired consultants to translate your brand effectively.

I’m sure there are more, but here are the top 10 people that come to mind when considering who exactly benefits from your intentional brand strategy…

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6 Month Goals Re-Set For Strategic Entrepreneurs

I’m writing this at the very end of June 2021. That means the first 6 months of the year is complete and it’s time to pause, assess and focus our attention on being intentional with the next 6 months.

If you’re a goal-getter and value the art of being strategic, here’s a mini re-set for you to begin thinking about your next set of 6 month goals.

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Brand Storytelling: Why Adding Your Story Will Draw In Your Audience

Stories draw people in. They’re memorable, and we tell stories constantly throughout our lives. Stories help us understand, feel seen, learn new things and connect with other people.

We go to the movie theater to immerse ourselves in new stories. We call our friends and tell them a story about a recent trip, that funny thing the baby said, or the amazing new dish we cooked.

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Validating A New Direction & Combating Decision Fatigue In Your Business

As entrepreneurs we’re making a million decisions for our business every day and sometimes those decisions can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination, idea overload and doubting your next steps.

Have you been staring at that blinking cursor on your screen for 5 minutes (actually 10 if you count the number of times you pulled up your Instagram feed just to see if there’s anything you’ve missed) trying to figure out what blog post to write today?

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Creating A Cohesive Brand Design

Creating a cohesive design for your brand can be a great way for your audience to identify your business quickly no matter what platform they find you on.

Let’s back up 3 paces and just add in a reminder that while we’re talking about brand design today, you want to start developing your brand with a strategy first. It’s strategy that informs design.

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Clear Positioning Is Your Brand’s Superpower

IMAGINE THIS: You walk into a room filled with entrepreneurs who offer something similar to you. When someone asks what you do, you not only know exactly what to say, but you say it in a way that’s clear, concise and sets you apart from everyone else.

No, this isn’t a dream. It can easily be your reality.

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Brand Strategy Informs Your Content Marketing Plan

One of the biggest advantages of developing the brand strategy for your business is that it gives you a roadmap for your content strategy.

To grow your business you want to be visible and to become known for what you do so you can sell your products and services. To do that, the first step is to get clarity about your brand and craft a strategy to reach your audience.

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Case Study: How Courtney Allred Stepped Into Her Brand Power

Client transformation is one of my favorite things. I share it because it shows you that even if you’re feeling confused about your business, like your messaging is all over the place or if you don’t know how to identify your ideal client…you can still get the clarity you need to grow your business.

Meet Courtney. Courtney Allred is a fabulous Brand Strategist + Designer who joined my Brandpolish Academy to take a step back from developing brands for her clients to focus on her own.

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Why Ideal Client Avatars Don’t Work for your Business

You know you want to narrow and define your niche. You know once anyone asks you What You Do, the very next thing they’ll ask is…hey, Who’s It For?

Type “Ideal Client” into a google search bar, or begin looking up how-to tips in the Pinterest search engine and you’re inundated with free worksheets helping you ask tons of questions to find your Ideal Client Avatar.

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