Top 10: People Who Need Your Brand Strategy

Develop your brand strategy, cohesive branding

One of the key benefits to proactively developing your brand strategy foundation is how easy it makes it for team members and hired consultants to translate your brand effectively.

I’m sure there are more, but here are the top 10 people that come to mind when considering who exactly benefits from your intentional brand strategy:



To capture the right feeling of your brand, a brand photographer needs to know how to position you for your audience and to fully understand your mission and goals for your business.  Any good brand photographer will ask you questions about your brand strategy and have a strategic planning session with you prior to your photo shoot. 



When you begin working with a brand designer, the very first questions they ask you are about your ideal client, the feeling you want to capture (the mood) and the overall promise and experience of your brand.  They need to know your brand’s mission & vision so they can translate it into aligned design.



Similar to a brand designer, the layout of your website will create a feeling and a flow – an energy – for your audience to experience.  Having an understanding of your overall brand strategy helps them build a website that matches the experience you want to provide.



Within your brand strategy, you’re defining your brand voice + personality, one of the essentials to writing copy that sounds like it’s coming from your brand.  A copywriter also needs to know who they’re writing for – i.e. your ideal client!



Social media is one of the main forms of communication and promotion for your brand, so everything your social media strategist / manager plans and posts needs to speak to your ideal clients and position you as the expert that can help solve their problems.

Benefits of Developing Brand Strategy for Entrepreneurs



As soon as you hire a business coach, they’re going to want to know ALL the things…what you do, who you serve, how you create transformation, your vision and goals for your business, what you do on the daily in your mission for your audience, etc.  They need to as much as humanly possible about your business to understand where to focus your energy and how to help you grow in the direction you want to go.



A PR coach or agency can only help make you more visible if you know what you want to be visible for.  The question, “what do you want to be known for?” or “what topic are you a stand out thought leader for?” will be one of the first they ask, and your brand strategy can help them build on your positioning and expertise.



If you want to work with an SEO expert, they need to know who you are, what you do, who your audience is, and your goals so they can establish and implement the RIGHT keywords to make your business more searchable.



Branding and marketing go hand in hand like branches coming off of the same tree trunk.  Your brand strategy gives a marketing consultant a roadmap so they know exactly how to promote your business and help you sell your offers to your ideal clients.



Whether you’re hiring a VA, an Integrator, or an Online Business Manager, every single team member needs to be taken through your brand strategy so they can keep your brand consistent no matter who’s working on what.  It’s a great way to onboard new team members to your business!


The Benefits Of Developing Your Brand Strategy

When you build your brand strategy, you’re saving time, energy and money because you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you onboard a new person who will be working with you in your business.

Have you noticed that most people you work with ask you very similar questions? Here’s what they need to know in order to understand your brand and the business you’re growing:

•      Who is your ideal client?

•      What sets you apart?

•      What do you do?

•      Why do you do it?

•      What benefits / takeaways do your clients & customers leave with?

•      What’s your brand promise?

•      What feeling do you want your audience to have?

•      Your mission? Vision?

•      What does your brand stand for? What are the core values?

•      What experience do you provide?


All this and more is covered in your brand strategy.  To keep your brand consistent and cohesive, follow these 3 steps:

1)    Develop your full brand strategy foundation

2)   Create a Brand Guidebook that contains your brand strategy

3)   Add your Brand Guidebook to Google drive so it’s easily accessible and shareable


When you’re building a brand, the look, feel, design, style, message, promise and experience all need to be consistent.  That’s how you become known for what you do and your special approach to doing it.  It’s how you build a brand that resonates and attracts the right audience.

If you want to read about the other benefits to clarifying your brand strategy, check out this blog post.  And, if you’re ready to build or refresh your own brand strategy, apply for a 30 minute brand consultation with Hilary today.