Demographics vs Psychographics: What Ideal Client Info You Really Need

If you’re a modern entrepreneur, at some point you sat down and created your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar)…and it may sound something like this:

Her name is Bridget. She lives in the city, she’s 32 years old & has a goldendoodle. She drives a Prius to do her part for the environment. She’s a college grad, keeps in touch with her sorority sisters…

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Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs

For some entrepreneurs, building a Personal Brand is best for their business. It’s a choice, however, and a choice worth making as it can help inform your overall brand strategy.

If you know a Personal Brand is right for you, you aren’t afraid to step out in front and be visible in your business. You are positioning yourself as the authority and people are seeking you out for your expertise.

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What Sets You Apart & Makes You Stand Out

What sets you apart in your industry and allows you to start building your brand authority? It’s a distinct mix that only you bring to the table. Your uniqueness is your brand magic.

First, be sure you’ve identified what industry you’re in. This is based on What You Do…are you in the Wellness Industry? B2B? Marketing/Advertising? Design? Coaching? Knowledge – Thought Leader? Entertainment? You need to know which industry you’re working in so you can position yourself to stand out.

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7 Brand Strategy Examples

As you’re creating and implementing your brand strategy, seeing examples of other businesses and companies with strong and successful brand activations can only help. That’s why I’ve gathered a few of my favorites below that demonstrate some key branding elements done well: core values, taglines and even leveraging a personal brand.

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