What Sets You Apart & Makes You Stand Out

What Sets You Apart

What sets you apart in your industry and allows you to start building your brand authority?  It’s a distinct mix that only you bring to the table.  Your uniqueness is your brand magic.  

First, be sure you’ve identified what industry you’re in.  This is based on What You Do…are you in the Wellness Industry? B2B? Marketing/Advertising? Design? Coaching? Knowledge – Thought Leader? Entertainment?  You need to know which industry you’re working in so you can position yourself to stand out.

Second, let’s talk through 3 Steps To Breakdown What Sets You Apart.  Remember, these are all based on the business you’re building and what you’re offering to your audience…so your answers will be related to that (not random things you’re good at but that have nothing to do with your business).


What are you naturally good at and what comes easily to you?  You know that thing that feels like a breeze to you and you almost feel bad charging money for it because it doesn’t take that much effort on your part?  That’s what we’re talking about!  While it comes easily to you, I guarantee it doesn’t for a whole host of your ideal clients (which is why they want to pay you for it).  

Also, give some thought to this question - How do you approach what you do differently than others in your industry?  That’s part of your secret sauce, too.


What have you already done or accomplished that gives you instant credibility for what you’re offering now as part of your business?  Do you have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in your area of expertise?  A certification you’ve completed?

Have you worked at a company, as an entrepreneur (or both) and had the firsthand in-the-trenches experience that gives you street cred for what you offer now?

Think about what you can share that will immediately have your audience thinking, “Oh, I get it…she’s the real deal!  That’s why she’s my first choice.”


Social proof is the evidence you can point to that shares your own results, or client success stories that demonstrate the promise of your brand.  Did you start at the point where a lot of your clients find themselves now?  Did you get the solutions your brand promises?  Share your story.

Have you taken clients through your solution / process / approach?  Share their transformational journey and positive outcomes.

What Sets You Apart Pinterest


When you finally put your finger on what your unique mix is, then you can figure out exactly who you’re uniquely meant to serve.

Here’s an example:

The health, wellness & fitness industry is enormous.  There are all kinds of entrepreneurs working in this space. Until you get specific about your unique mix that you bring to the table, it will be hard to carve out the slice of this huge industry that you’re meant to serve.

Let’s take fictitious Tom The Entrepreneur through our 3-Step Breakdown to find out What Sets Him Apart in this industry…

01 – Tom’s unique brilliance is being an experienced triathlete and being passionate about the components that he can tweak and adjust to improve his performance.  He’s really good at understanding the mindset and diet that drives professional athletes to be resilient and never give up. His approach to training includes a specific mindset-nutirition framework.

02 – Tom’s instant credibility comes from being a triathlon winner many times over, helping coach Olympians through their training regimen, and having been a top college basketball player.  Hundreds of athletes have had huge success with his mindset-nutrition framework.  Tom also has a Bachelor’s degree in nutrition science and a minor in psychology.

03 – Tom’s social proof include:

  • Triathlon wins

  • The lessons, learnings & results he got as a college basketball player

  • The success stories from the athletes he’s taken through his coaching framework 

  • His own journey & results always reaching for the optimal state with his specialized nutrition plan, meditation & mindset techniques, and fitness routine.

Based on all we’ve learned about Tom, who is he distinctly born to serve?  Would he serve just anyone who’s interested in health and fitness?  Would you guess that he’s meant to work with men & women just starting their fitness journey and working up to running a 5K?  What about new moms looking to eat healthy and take the baby weight off?

Nope.  That would be the wrong niche for Tom’s unique brilliance and talents.

Based on everything we know about Tom, he’s uniquely made to serve high performing athletes both at the amateur and professional level, and who are looking to be the best of the best.  That’s a specific niche that makes sense based on the distinct gifts, experience, and interests that Tom has.



You have to know what makes you distinctly different before you can pinpoint which niche will relate to you most.  In other words, you start with understanding what makes you unique and then you can decide who you’re uniquely meant to serve.

And when you've finally pinpointed who you help, EVERYTHING else in your business becomes easier: decisions, content creation, offers, messaging, you name it.

Once you’ve gone through the 3 steps to determine what sets you apart, it’s time to turn your attention to who you uniquely serve.  When you clarify your Ideal Clients it skyrockets your brand clarity and allows you to create a clear strategy, craft messaging that resonates and attract and convert your clients to grow your business. 

More soon on how to identify your ideal clients. Send me a comment if you have any questions!