Building A Legacy Brand

What is a Legacy Brand?  It’s about creating a lasting impact on your customers, your industry, and the world.  It’s about more than just building a successful business, it’s about creating  a brand that people will remember, respect, and love for years to come.

Legacy is just a 6-letter word, but it holds massive meaning.  I began thinking about legacy last week when someone asked me about some of my favorite films and projects I worked on during my 15 year career at Disney marketing movies.

One of the projects that had the most impact on me and was one of the most memorable was our film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, directed by Michael Bay and starring Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett and Kate Beckinsale - - - PEARL HARBOR.   The legacy of Pearl Harbor itself is so impactful, but I remember it so vividly (even though it was only a couple years into my Disney career) because of the personal meaning it held for me and my family.

My grandpa was a Pearl Harbor survivor.  I grew up in Hawaii.  My dad worked at HICKAM Air Force Based, right next door to Pearl Harbor.  I did a report for school in 1st grade about my grandpa’s experience surviving Pearl Harbor.  Although he wasn’t alive when the film was released, I got to invite my parents to the premiere, which was on the top deck of a working aircraft carrier sitting on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Pearl Harbor for me was one type of legacy.  But, what does this example have to do with your legacy brand?  A legacy is something that you create or an experience or event that happens that holds deep personal meaning for people, is forever ingrained in their hearts and souls, and leaves a lasting impression.  It connects that person to that *thing* forever.

Keep reading to find out why it’s important to build a legacy brand, what it actually means, examples of current legacy brands, and how to get started if you want to build a legacy brand of your own.


Building a brand legacy is important because it allows you to create a connection with your customers and clients that goes beyond the products or services you provide.  

It’s about building a reputation based on trust, credibility and authenticity.  When you set your mind and efforts towards building a legacy brand, the reward is brand loyalty; customers that will stick with you through thick and thin, who are excitedly waiting to see what you have next for them, and who will advocate for your brand even when you’re not around.


Again, it means creating a brand that’s more than just a logo, or just a product.  It’s an experience.  An emotional connection.  And building a brand that embodies a set of values, beliefs and bigger purpose that are important to you and your customers.

Building a legacy brand means creating a brand that is unique, memorable, and resonates deeply with the people who connect with it.

It also means you’re willing to evolve your brand over time.  As your business grows and changes, your brand should also grow and change to reflect the evolution of your values, mission and needs of your customers.  This is why it’s important to have a long term vision for y our brand and be willing to invest in it over time.


Here are 5 examples of brands that have built a legacy and are likely to continue making an impact with loyal customers for years to come:


Apple is a brand that has built a legacy around innovation, design and quality.  From the Macintosh computer to the iPhone and beyond, Apple has consistently delivered products that people love and trust.  The legacy definitely started with Steve Jobs’ vision for the brand, and the brand is wisely built on simplicity, elegance and user experience.


Coca-Cola is a brand that’s been around for over a century, and its brand legacy is built on nostalgia, happiness, and community.  Coca-Cola has become a part of people’s lives, and its brand is associated with good times, shared experiences and positivity.

3 - NIKE

Nike is a brand that’s built a legacy around sports, fitness, and personal achievement.  Their brand is built on the idea of pushing yourself to be the best you can be, and their well known slogan “Just Do It” has become a rallying cry for athletes and beyond around the world.


Of course, I have to include Disney in my top 5 examples.  Disney is a brand that’s build a legacy around imagination, storytelling, and family entertainment.  From classic animated films to theme parks, characters and merchandise, Disney has created a world that people can escape to and experience a sense of wonder and joy.


Harley-Davidson is a brand that’s built a legacy around rebellion, freedom, and individuality.  Their brand is associated with the open road, adventure, and the spirit of the American West.  Harley-Davidson has become more than just a motorcycle brand, it has deep meaning for it’s loyal customers, and has become a way of life for many of them.

There are many, many more example of brands who’ve built a legacy that goes way beyond just selling their products or services, but these give you an idea of what I’m talking about.

They’ve created a strong emotional connection with their customers and their brand has become a true part of people’s identities.  By focusing on their core values, delivering exceptional experiences, and being consistent in their messaging and branding, these brands have successfully become synonymous with their respective industries and have created a lasting impact that will continue to resonate for years to come.


Building a legacy brand is a long-term process that requires patience, dedication, consistency and hard work.  Here are a few steps to help you get started:

1 - Identify How You Want To Be Remembered: If you looked at all 5 examples above of legacy brands and what they’re known for, that’s a terrific place to start.  What do you want your brand to be known for?

2 - Define Your Brand Values: What do you stand for?  What are the core values that drive everything you do in your business?

**For help in defining your values, read: How To Develop And Share Your Brand’s Core Values

3 - Brand Identity: Develop a brand identity that aligns with and reflects your values as well as your brand’s unique personality.  Your logo, color story, typography and other visual elements should be recognizable and memorable.

4 - Focus On Customer Experience: You won’t have a brand legacy unless you focus on creating a great customer experience.  Be responsive to customer feedback, provide great customer service, and make your customers feel like they’re part of the brand.

5 - An Online Presence Is Essential: Today, everything’s online and you need to ensure your brand has a strong, positive online presence so your customers can easily find you.  This includes having a website, social media profiles, and other relevant online channels for your brand to connect with your audience.

6 - Consistency Is Key: If you’re not consistent, people will be confused by your brand, and won’t remember it.  Consistency means using the same visual elements, messaging, and tone of voice across all your marketing channels.


I strongly believe that customers want more and more brands to pay attention to this level of detail when building their brands.  Customers crave connection and their attention is up for grabs, so how will you begin to build a brand worth remembering?  One that makes a lasting impression?  Building a brand with legacy in mind helps you connect more deeply with your customers and leave a lasting impact on them, your industry and the world.

Need deeper guidance and support developing your brand’s legacy. strategy? Check out how you can work with me 1:1 in my brand foundation development done-for-you service.