Case Study: Emma-Louise Parkes, Business Coach for Ambitious Introverts

Emma-Louise Parkes is a business and mindset coach, an 86% introverted INFJ-A who is passionate about helping ambitious introverts, empaths & HSPs build successful, sustainable businesses they love.

Can we stop right here and appreciate how clear, specific and well-defined her brand positioning is? I’m so excited, because as a graduate of my BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY, Emma-Louise gained massive brand clarity that transformed her approach, defined her niche and has skyrocketed her business. Discover how…

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Brand Case Study: Jess Nana

Jess Nana is a goal-getting female entrepreneur, an online marketing educator, wife and mom of 3 adorable kids, the CEO of Socially Savvy Studio and a graduate of my BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY.

Her mission at Socially Savvy Studio is to teach online business owners and marketing teams to adopt an intentional digital, social and content strategy to authentically attract dream clients with ease.

Just a few short months ago, she couldn’t have articulated her mission to you this clearly, and here’s why…

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Brand Story: Chelsea Leifken

CHELSEA LEIFKEN lights up the world with her smile, and when she walks in a room or sits in her car eating car snacks on her Instagram stories, her megawatt smile shines and you’re hooked.  This is why her brand is so powerful – she authentically and unabashedly is herself and her community loooooves it. 

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Brand Story: Chiqui Social

Bienvenidos to a brand I cannot wait to introduce you to!  CHIQUI SOCIAL was born from the brilliant mind of its Founder, Lizet Alvarez, as she realized there weren’t a lot of options to offer her two chiquitos in the way of Spanish language immersion in early childhood education and beyond.

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