My #1 Holiday Wish For Entrepreneurs

Hilary Hartling Brand Strategist Holiday Wishlist for Entrepreneurs

Maybe it’s because I’m inundated by Hallmark Christmas movies, Christmas music, and planning Ruby’s 2nd Christmas and writing wishlists to Santa…but this season got me thinking about what my wishlist is for entrepreneurs.

Want to know my #1 holiday wish for entrepreneurs (and I’m counting me in this wish, too)?


It’s one of my brand’s keywords and brand pillars, and inspiration is something I continuously seek in order to create a consistent stream of excitement and momentum for my business.  And my life!

My wish for every single entrepreneur starting, building, or expanding their business is that they are INSPIRED by their work.  Inspired by the brand AND life they’re building.

Too much to ask?  I think not.

However, sometimes inspiration can seem intangible.  TBH, I don’t think anyone is inspired 100% of the time.  There are ebbs and flows to inspiration, and that’s ok.

I believe if we focus on having the intention to be inspired and stay inspired, we can harness inspiration a majority of the time.  If you want to get grounded in 3 ways to create the flow of inspiration in your business and life, keep reading…


When you lack clarity, everything is a bit fuzzy around the edges, you can’t see straight, and you certainly can’t explain what you stand for, what your business is about, and why it matters to your audience.  

Inspiration can’t live in a murky, confused, lackluster environment.  Inspiration is bright, clear, optimistic and motivating.

Never underestimate the power of having a clear path forward, clear goals, clear messaging, a crystal clear brand strategy or clarity around who you serve, how you impact your audience, and the value you deliver.

Clarity allows you to refine your offers, redesign your business, and elevate your brand so it resonates as you speak directly to your ideal clients.  With clarity comes confidence.

Think back to a time when you felt really confident about something in your business.  What was it?  Why were you confident?  My guess is that you were absolutely clear about what you were up to, why it mattered and how it helped - so confident it was a no-brainer to promote, creating clear messaging.  You felt inspired because you were in your flow.  When you’re inspired, your audience gets inspired by you and it’s a win-win when it comes to momentum in your business and making the impact you really desire.

If you want to get inspired, first, get clear.  Clarity about who you are, what sets you apart, who you’re made to serve, and what you really, really want for yourself, your business and your ideal clients and customers.


Develop Your Brand Strategy

It’s positioning your work to stand out in a saturated marketplace, defining your why, leaning into your unique brilliance and understanding how to communicate to your ideal clients your mission, vision, core values, and what you stand for.  The clarity that stems from this work is invaluable and helps you create a consistent voice and message, sharing a cohesive brand your audience recognizes and falls in love with.

This is the work I do with entrepreneurs all day, everyday.  You can get my step-by-step guided training in my Brandpolish Academy program, or have your entire brand strategy done-for-you in my VIP 1-on-1 service called Messaging Magic.  

Either way, the clarity you’ll gain is game-changing and will leave you feeling completely inspired by your business!


If you’re feeling a lack of inspiration in your business, another great way to get the inspiration flowing is to be in community with others who have similar goals and challenges as you, but who also motivate you to live into your full potential.

We are human beings, and human beings crave connection.  Community gives us that connection, makes us feel seen, heard, supported and cheered on.

A great way to re-inspire yourself is to know you’re not in this alone.  There are so many wonderful communities - in person or virtual - that you can find and join and have a bouncing board for the ideas, challenges and goals you have in your business.

One of the best forms of community I’ve found that helps propel you forward, faster, in your business are masterminds.  Masterminds are an elevated form of coming together with a common goal, workshopping challenges, getting answers, and getting high-touch, hands-on training from your host, and industry experts in the areas you need more help.

Ask yourself - if I had a community that did _____, and supported me in _____, what would that look like and how would that help make my business exciting again?

Community can inspire you!


I believe in masterminds.  There are different masterminds for different purposes.  My mastermind is Brand Evolution Mastermind and we focus on evolving your business and expanding your brand through: 

  • honing your unique value proposition to become #1 choice for your ideal clients

  • Increasing your brand visibility and exposure

  • Mapping your client experience & next-level offer suite

  • Strategizing your signature offer’s marketing campaign

  • Developing Brand Synergy™ for a consistent and cohesive brand

  • Expanding your brand strategically and refreshing it to evolve at the right milestones

If that sounds exciting to you, find out more about Brand Evolution Mastermind & apply.


Growing personally and professionally can bring up perceived obstacles, narratives we believe that are guiding our daily decisions but perhaps are stories that aren’t true, and can be a path forward to letting go of what no longer serves us and allows us to make room for new possibilities.

And anytime there are new possibilities, there are new ideas, excitement grows and inspiration flows!

Growth will look different for every individual entrepreneur as well as every brand.  

Here are two journal prompt to try to know where you & your business are starting from and you can seek out the kind of help you need for personal and business growth accordingly!


Journal Prompt #1 - For You, The Entrepreneur

What have I been wanting to do, waiting to do, or putting on the back burner for far too long and if I just had a clear path forward, or the right help in place, I’d make time for it, getting re-inspired?

Journal Prompt #2 - For Your Brand

Why does my business exist in the first place and what can I do that will help propel and grow that vision into reality?

Like I said at the very beginning, my #1 wish for you is inspiration.  I want you to be inspired by your business every day and I know that clarity, community and growth are 3 ways for you to make that happen.

Here’s to holiday wishes and the magic of inspiration! xo


One thing I’m personally inspired by lately is:

The Lost Kitchen.  It’s a series streaming on Magnolia Network (part of Discovery Plus).  It’s  such a gorgeous example of growing a meaningful brand and building something based on the experience you want to deliver; it’s a FEELING and Lost Kitchen founder, Erin French, is doing it right.  If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it.  I don’t think you can watch it and NOT feel inspired.

Brand Strategist Hilary Hartling #1 Holiday Wish For Entrepreneurs