How To Create A High-Value Brand


A high value brand is a brand that is first choice in its industry.  It’s the one most people (and for sure that business’ ideal clients!) think of when you think of that thing.  When you think of personal growth conferences, Tony Robbins comes to mind.  When you think of yoga pants, LuluLemon is at the tip of your tongue.  If you ask someone the best place to get a blowout, DryBar is recommended the most.

The reason you want to create a high-value brand for your business is because it takes you from being unknown to being ubiquitous with what you do.  It means that you’ll be known as THE expert in your area (or the most well-liked and loved) and people think of you, recommend you and come to you for solutions.  It expands your brand and creates a top-of-mind awareness about you and your business among your ideal customers.

Here are three things you can begin to do to start your journey from an unknown or slightly known business to a high-value brand:


Many entrepreneurs give good value or great knowledge on a semi-regular or regular basis.  To create a HIGH-VALUE brand that stands out and is head and shoulders above the competition, means that you’re sharing exceptional wisdom consistently with your audience so that when it comes to your area of expertise, despite there being tons of other people who do what you do….you are their #1 choice. 

Give away your BEST stuff and allow your audience to evolve and create quick wins from the knowledge you share. 


Being a high-value brand means you’re regularly sharing what you and your brand actually value.   You have a short list of core values your business believes in and you (and your team, if you have one) perpetuate those values in everything you do.  Oftentimes, it’s the values your audience aligns with - they’re shared beliefs - and it establishes a deeper connection with people in your audience. 

Shared values is an emotional connection point that turns audience members into paying customers and loyal fans if you continue to show up in exceptional ways, consistently.  You’ve primed your audience to expect that you’ll give them exactly what they need in a way they love receiving it, and it makes them ready to jump on board whatever your next “offer” is because they just want to consumer MORE from YOU.


Create amazing offers your customers can’t say no to.  Make them so enticing that they’ll feel FOMO if they don’t jump on board. 

Connect with your audience and deepen relationships by crafting unforgettable experiences that inspire or motivate them in some way.  If you make a promise for what your customers will take away from that experience, over-deliver and give them more. 

Surprise and delight your audience at every turn so they trust you and your business and know that anything they sign up to do with you is going to be phenomenal. When your customers feel taken care of, that’s magic.  They feel like they’re your friend, like they have a personal relationship with you, and it turns customers into fans and fans into brand ambassadors.  Those are the people who start doing the talking for you and help spread your message and refer others to your business.

Commit to building a high-value brand so you stand out and create the legacy you’re meant to leave behind.

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