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10 Empowering Journal Prompts for Brand-Building Entrepreneurs

Are you in the business of building a brand that lasts?  That means something? That has an impact with your clients, and on some level, the world?

Your Next Level Brand

When it’s time to go next level with your brand (and believe me, it’s always evolving), it can be helpful to get out of your head and into your heart.  Journaling is a great way to do that, because there’s magic putting pen to paper and letting whatever comes to you pour out.

“When it’s time to go next level with your brand…there’s magic putting pen to paper and letting whatever comes to you pour out.”

Journal prompts are powerful guides in my personal journey - both in my life and in my business - and since I’m always creating new ones for myself, I thought you would appreciate some for your own brand-building journey.

These 10 powerful journal prompts will get you thinking - and feeling -  differently and more expansively about your own brand.  I suggest you tackle whichever one you feel called to most first, and only do one prompt per journaling session so you really dive deep and keep writing until everything you want to say comes flying out of your pen.

Tips For Using These Journal Prompts

  • Interpret it however it makes most sense for your business, brand and life

  • There’s no wrong answer

  • The longer you write, the more truths will be revealed

  • Don’t edit yourself as you write

  • Only re-read your answer once you’re done writing 

  • Go back through and highlight those things that are new ideas, aha moments or notable actions you want to follow up on



Reflect on the unique transformation your brand offers.  How does it specifically impact the lives of your clients?


Explore the emotions and feelings you want your brand to evoke in your audience.  How can you infuse these emotions into your messaging and visual elements?


Write a letter to your best-fit client - someone you’d absolutely loooove to work with - and express how your brand can fulfill their needs and desires.  Make it personal like you’d write a letter to a friend.


Imagine the big picture impact your brand could have in the world if you kept going, kept growing, and kept believing in your brand.  What does that look like?


Reflect on a time when you felt truly aligned with your brand.  What were the results? How can you replicate that energy and alignment moving forward?


What are your top strengths and how can you leverage them to propel your business forward?


What motivates and inspires you?  How can you incorporate more of these elements into your daily work routine?


What is the vision you have for your business In the next 3 years?  Envision the future 3 years from today and describe it in detail.


What challenges or obstacles are you currently facing with your business?  List every way you can think of to overcome them.


How do you define success?  Reflect on your personal definition and evaluate if it aligns with your current business goals.

Let’s Connect

I hope these journal prompts serve you and your brand well.  I’d love to hear how they helped you! 

Connect with me on Instagram and shoot me a DM anytime to let me know if you tried these journal prompts (or just say hello!).


Check out two of my most popular blog articles:

1 >> Brand Strategist vs Brand Designer

Discover exactly what each one can do for your brand and what to expect.

2 >> 18 Essential Branding Elements And What The Mean

Think of this as your brand glossary of definitions for the various branding terminology so you understand what you need in order to effectively build your brand and have a plan in place to communicate it to your audience.