5 Mindset and Energy Shifting Strategies for Successful Entrepreneurs

Hilary Hartling Brand Strategist Entrepreneur Finds Energy Boosting Strategies

The Entrepreneurship Rollercoaster

Entrepreneurship can feel exciting, passionate, rewarding and fulfilling as you work to build your brand, share your message and create the impact you’re meant to make.  It can also feel challenging, lonely, triggering and a bit like a rollercoaster. And oh, the tangled mind web we weave with every twist and turn!

As a solopreneur myself, I can relate that sometimes our thoughts, stories and triggers can get the best of us.  While I’m a brand strategist with tons of tools in my toolbox to help other entrepreneurs build their brands, sometimes it's the strategies that help us re-frame, clear and lift our energy, and sort through our convoluted thoughts, that help the most.

Energy Shifting for Entrepreneurs

Whether you want to call them limiting beliefs, negative thought spirals, self-doubt or self-sabotage, we all have our moments where we need a little boost to get us back on the path to being the passion and purpose-driven leaders we normally are.  

Since I’ve created an “energy shifting” toolbox of strategies that work for me, I’m sharing it with you today in case you’d like some go-to tried and tested methods. 

5 Ways To Realign with Positivity & High Vibe Energy

There are more than five ways to come back to center, shift your energy and find the positive in whatever challenge you currently find yourself in, so if you already have something that works for you…keep doing that!  In case you’d like more ideas and recommendations, or feel like you’re starting from scratch when it comes to having strategies to pull yourself “out of the muck,” keep reading.

Here are 5 ways to untangle the cobwebs in your mind, beat back self-doubt and maintain the energy you need to run your business well.


There are so many wonderful humans who will do all kinds of mindset, energy and healing work with you to help you excel in your business (and life).  From EFT tapping to work through mindset obstacles and challenges, to resonance repatterining to realign your energy with what you really want, to reiki masters giving energy healings to clear what no longer serves (or might be stuck).  

I’ve used all of these at different times for different reasons, and sometimes an energy session might not feel necessary but ends up being a lightbulb moment that elevates your energy and validates a new idea, opportunity or path that up-levels your entire way forward.  It’s powerful stuff, and here are some specific people I have on speed dial for myself at all times:


Resonance Repatterning

These energy shifting sessions are about spiraling up your energy to feel better, have more positive feelings, thoughts and energy and to resonate with living in a higher frequency for optimal growth and harmony.  Ultimately, resonance repatterining is about attracting more of what you do want, and avoiding what you don’t want.

I’ve personally been working with SandiSue for 7+ years!  I started right before I launched my business, and it’s been so wonderful to have her as an energy resource to help me get my energy “ON” for manifesting all I want to create.


Channeled Reiki & Tarot Guidance

Frances is a bright light, masterful energy worker and beautiful soul with the ability to channel messages directly from your spirit team while she either does distance reiki energy healing or tarot readings.  She’s tapped in, turned on and tuned into you and your energy and the clarity, healing and guidance you’re able to receive from working with her will have you booking healing sessions with her like you pop chips outta the Pringles can (you just can’t stop!).


Of course you’ve heard about meditation.  You’ve probably done it before!  Here's the thing about meditation - - - it’s kind of like going to the gym.  Unless you make the time, have a plan, and execute it regularly, you won’t see results.  The benefits of meditation are cumulative.  

If you feel called, add this to your energy shifting toolbox, and get started with a commitment as tiny as 3 minutes a day (simply close your eyes and breathe).  Do longer sessions when you need further calming, relaxing, guidance or realignment.

There are so many free guided meditations on YouTube, so if you’d prefer that, I’d do some searching to find someone you resonate with.  Here’s another resource for you as I tend to like Gabby Bernstein’s approach.  She has 2 free manifesting meditations to attract everything you want that you can download right here.

Mindset and Energy Strategies for Successful Entrepreneurs


Journaling is one of my favorite go-to resources to dump out all my thoughts, and free-flow write until I get to what I really want.  I find it to be an automatic detangler of thoughts and desires and sometimes I won’t start my work day without doing this first as it can help me prioritize my projects better.  Actually writing your thoughts down (as opposed to typing) can be a game-changer, too.  It’s more super-charged and taps directly into your heart center!

Here are a few journal prompts you can use to begin:

  • What would you do if you were 10x bolder?

  • Today, I feel…

  • If I stopped doing these 3 things, I’d feel more productive towards my goals…

  • If I started doing these 3 things, I’d feel SO GOOD about my brand…


While you may feel alone sometimes as an entrepreneur, you aren’t.  There are so many wonderful fellow entrepreneurs feeling exactly the way you do and who are on a similar trajectory with similar missions, goals and aspirations.  Find them.  Join them.  Get into community and feel better.  It’s always a good idea to find the right people to surround yourself with who can have your back, support you, encourage you, and share resources.

Here are a couple of wonderful communities I absolutely adore for entrepreneurs:


Founded by my friend and business bestie, Grace Blacksea, The Collective is a membership rooted in realness for women who want to do business differently with an unparalleled community behind them.  A blend of both strategy and support, this community is designed to help you lead with intention as you level up your life and business.

It’s a paid membership, and oh-so-worth-it.


I met founder of BRA Network, Carrie Murray, at a female entrepreneur networking event in Los Angeles when we were both starting our businesses and venturing into the world of entrepreneurship.  Her community has grown in purpose and numbers, and it’s one that fosters a community to uplift female and non-binary entrepreneurs, providing opportunities for connection, education and inspiration.

Also a paid membership - and again, very worth it. (Business expense for taxes, right?)

Whether one of these communities ends up being the one for you, or you find another that is more your style, the point here is - - - find your tribe.  It’s one of the most helpful tools you can add to your toolbox!


This strategy is one of my favorites, and I learned it from my mom, who was a high school teacher her whole career and definitely needed to celebrate the wins!    

Feeling bogged down by your never-ending to-do list?  One of the best practices you can do to visually see how much you’ve accomplished at the end of the week is go back to all those things you checked off, and realize TA-DA!  This is something you did, did well, or led to this other amazing thing that helped your business.  It’s a way to celebrate even the smallest of accomplishments and re-frame your perspective of your to-do list.  

It makes your to-do list a happier place when you can say - WOW, TA-DA!  Look at all that I did to move myself forward this week!  Try it, I bet you’ll like it!

Create Your Energetic Toolbox

Now that you’ve gotten a glimpse at some of my top energy shifting & supportive tools in my toolbox, it’s time to customize and create your own.  If all you do is jot down a list of your top 5 go-to strategies to talk yourself off the ledge when you’re feeling down, defeated, triggered, challenged or sad on your entrepreneurial journey, that works.  When you’re in a negative thought spiral it’s hard to think of what you really need, so have your go-to list handy and keep it as your own resource to use whenever you need it.

Even better?  Find your business bestie or new community and do this exercise together so you all have tools at your disposal to help on the twisting, winding, beautiful journey of starting and growing your business and building a brand you can be proud of.