The Energy Of Your Brand


Let’s talk about the ENERGY of your brand and if it’s working for you.


There are 2 sides to this conversation… and the first is the energy you’re bringing to your business on a daily basis. Is your energy consistent and are you showing up with the right energy that aligns with what you say your mission, vision, bigger why and brand benefits are?


Are you excited about your business? Do you believe in what you’re doing? Do you believe you are capable of creating the impact you want with your audience?

If you don’t believe these things or show up with the energy of the expert or person your audience can count on, then they won’t believe it either. Your audience reflects back at you the energy you are projecting.


Entrepreneurs often wonder - why do I keep attracting clients who say they can’t afford my services? Well, I’d start by taking a look at your own stories and beliefs around money. If you truly don’t believe that your offerings are valuable, you won’t attract people who are willing to pay your prices. This all goes back to the energy you have around your brand.

You may 100% know that what you offer can help so many people - you’ve seen the results your friends and family members have gotten with the work you do. But you stop yourself because you think there are so many other people out there offering some similar service…who am I to think that people who don’t know me - these strangers on the internet - would ever hire ME to help them?

These are your beliefs and then you wonder why you’re not getting any new clients. Take a look at the energy you’re bringing to your business, because I promise if you get your energy higher to match the mission you have on your heart, you will begin building a brand and attracting the right clients.


The other side of the energy of your brand is about the overall feeling, tone and experience you’re intentionally crafting in order to attract the right people to your business. Have you taken the time to strategically decide what your brand stands for and translate the energy of your audience into the overall foundation of your brand?

Every single essential branding element you need to put in place is dependent on who it’s for. And your audience brings an energy based on the struggles and desires they have around what you do. You can lift their energy by staying tuned into their needs and delivering solutions.

So, if you haven’t thought about the ENERGY OF YOUR BRAND, take a few minutes this week when you can step back from the day to day work and to-do list and ask yourself how is your energy and are you showing up in a way that’s aligned with the kind of brand and business you want to grow?

And secondly, check in with your audiences’ energy…first, are you attracting the people you want? And second, have their struggles or desires shifted and changed since you last checked in on them? Take all of this into consideration as you choose the energy you need to show up and serve the audience in your best way.

OK, until next time, happy branding!