Case Study: How Yvette Brackett Went From Everyone’s Photographer To Finding Her Niche

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Yvette Brackett is a brand & portrait photographer based in Sonoma County, California.  She’d been building her business for awhile and knew she wanted to build her brand, clarify her message, and get more specific to attract her favorite kinds of clients.



Yvette found and joined The Brandpolish Academy to focus on polishing her brand and defining what she wanted to be known for.  Her biggest branding challenges included:

  • Trying to be everyone’s photographer

  • Not having a well-defined niche

  • Struggling to have a message that could reach her target market


When you’re trying to reach everyone, your messaging gets watered down and generic trying to speak to every kind of person who could be your client.  Our task was to clearly define her niche so she could have a clear, specific message to attract a more targeted audience.



The solution to any branding challenge is to back up to the beginning and really take a look at the brand strategy (or lack of one) you have in place.  Is it well defined?  Does it give you a roadmap to communicate with your audience and attract your dream clients?

In Brandpolish Academy, entrepreneurs are guided step-by-step through my brand building process in the matter of a few weeks surrounded by a small group of like-minded entrepreneurs focused on the same goal.  Every lesson builds on the next until you’ve created a treasure trove of strategies and messaging that become the north star for your business.


One of the first places we begin getting clarity is in identifying your ideal client.  Everything you do to position your brand is based on who you’re talking to, so we start there.


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In addition to realizing that by adopting a more neutral brand color palette it would better feature her clients photos, one of the biggest benefits Yvette took away from developing her brand strategy was creating a clear niche for her services. 


“My biggest AHA moment was about dialing it in to speak to a very specific client - Women Entrepreneurs over 40 who are ready to play a bigger game in their business.” 



In addition, Yvette found huge benefits in the program, including:

  • Getting one-on-one attention to clarify her brand even though she was in a group setting

  • Being in the group itself: full of amazing, professional women that were so helpful and supportive




Graduates of The Brandpolish Academy not only leave with clarity, they’re EXCITED.  And that’s exactly how Yvette felt.  She took her new brand messaging out for a spin….

  • She used her brand key words everywhere (to help portray the brand experience she wanted her customers to have)

  • She used her taglines in the content she shared to resonate with her ideal clients

  • She expressed her brand positioning statement so her audience knew she was exactly for them




Ultimately, Yvette was excited to finally be focused and clear in her messaging and know exactly who she’s talking to:


“It’s important to get clear on who you’re talking to and what to say in a consistent, specific, strategic way.” 




Yvette went from trying to serve everyone, to being a Brand Photographer for women entrepreneurs 40+ ready to play a bigger game.  This kind of transformation and focus, brings clarity to every aspect of your business.  It brings fun back into your daily work life because you know what to do, what to say and how to create content with messages that resonate.


If you’re ready to put a strategy in place to build your brand, get on the waitlist for the next round of BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY. It’s the best next step to clarity, excitement and confidence to move your business forward.


After asking Yvette if there’s anything else she’d want entrepreneurs considering this program to know, here’s what she had to say:


“The Brandpolish Academy groups are small enough that everyone has an opportunity to participate in a way that feels good.  You also get a lot of individual attention from Hilary that is specific to you.  You also get enormously beneficial input/feedback from the group and you can’t wait for each meeting because you walk away inspired, invigorated and ready to do the work.  YES, you have to do the work, but you will be so glad you did!!” 


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