Case Study: How Courtney Allred Stepped Into Her Brand Power

Courtney Case Study

Client transformation is one of my favorite things.  I share it because it shows you that even if you’re feeling confused about your business, like your messaging is all over the place or if you don’t know how to identify your ideal client…you can still get the clarity you need to grow your business.

 Meet Courtney.  Courtney Allred is a fabulous Brand Strategist + Designer who joined my Brandpolish Academy to take a step back from developing brands for her clients to focus on her own.  Courtney actually said it best…


“This should have been obvious with my experience, but you can’t read the label from inside the box.” 



In other words, it’s hard to do what you do for yourself.  And even if you’re not in the world of branding, developing your own brand is 10x harder because it’s so personal to you.




Like so many entrepreneurs I have the pleasure of talking to and working with, Courtney’s biggest branding challenge was actually a very common one.  She struggled with:

  • Narrowing down her target audience

  • Wanting to appeal to everyone with the work she does



Working through the step-by-step brand building process that I teach, Courtney got to the “mirror test” within Module 2 of the Brandpolish Academy course that’s all about defining your niche and had this epiphany:


“I realized how much I have in common with my ideal clients.  Our journeys are similar.” 


When you are a version of your ideal client, all of a sudden everything becomes much clearer. Challenges you’ve gotten through ARE the challenges your clients are having now.  The mindset blocks, the goals, the dreams and motivations are all similar.  It means you can get even more specific with your messaging to resonate and attract ideal clients because you’re already inside the mind of one of them - you!


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Courtney stepped into her brand power by getting clear and building a strategy positioned to fulfill the needs of her ideal clients.  And the benefits were obvious:

  • She found her brand keywords to be immensely helpful in driving the kind of experience she wanted her clients to have

  • She updated her copy & relaunched her website

  • She removed the package options from her services and leaned fully into custom offerings, based on the needs of her audience she discovered in the brand building process

  • She’s even increased her pricing



Graduating from Brandpolish Academy, Courtney is most excited about her growth potential.  She’s already leaning into her power and helping other women achieve their goals!

Building a brand strategy foundation not only gives you clarity, strategy and confidence to move forward to serve your audience, it gives you a roadmap.


“If you’re driving with a destination in mind, a map is extremely helpful.  Brand strategy is the map.” 





Have you been thinking about clarifying your brand and building a brand that stands for something?  Now’s the time!  Brand strategy informs every part of your business and can help you grow faster.  If you’re ready to get the guidance you need to take your business next level, get on the waitlist to be in the next group I take through this Brandpolish Academy process: sign up here.


“Hilary’s knowledge is vast.  She has this inherent ability to understand the goals of a business owner and the audience to whom they’re marketing.  Her guidance is invaluable!” 


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