Conduct Market Research To Profile Your Ideal Client

Market Research Ideal Client Profile

Not sure what it even means to conduct your own market research?

Wondering how you’d even go about doing it?

I’ve got 5 strategies to help you either re-purpose info you may already have…or, discover new ways to do some sleuthing on your ideal client all on your own!

First off, let’s quickly define MARKET RESEARCH.

It’s simply the act of gathering information about your consumers’ needs and/or preferences.

In other words, you’re researching your market (aka your Ideal Client) to get to know them better, thus making it easier for you to position your brand & create messaging that resonates.

We’re on the lookout for what your ideal client is struggling with and the goals they want to achieve based on what you offer.

Here are 5 ways to dig deeper into finding out what makes your IDEAL CLIENT tick:


01 – Client Intake Forms

Do you have an application or intake form for your clients?  If so, dig these up and go through them…they hold extremely valuable information!  When new clients approach you and take the time to fill out your intake form, they’re sharing what their biggest challenges are and they’re seeking your help.  Knowing your clients’ struggles is the #1 way to understand and serve them better.


02 – Testimonials

Go through your client testimonials and take note of the kinds of results, takeaways, and transformations that are repeated again and again.  The results your clients get are exactly the same results your new client will want.


03 – Feedback Questionnaires         

Do you have a questionnaire for feedback in place once a client is done working with you in any particular program or service?  If so, read through their comments because this again tells you what they were struggling with and what they got out of your program that they love.  It’ll also highlight things that perhaps you didn’t know were desires that you can double down on and make a bigger deal of for future clients.


04 – Reviews

Go check out popular books and podcasts in your industry and relevant to your topic of expertise.  Now, read the reviews and comments that people are making…you’ll usually stumble across new insights people had or a-ha moments that enlightened them on that thing they were previously struggling with or unclear on.  Information gold for you!


05 – Social Media Engagement

Look at the comments you get when you post something on social media that’s high-value, giving expert tips or wisdom on your topic area.  What are people saying? What are they most interested in?  What questions do you get DM’d the most?  This tells you where your ideal clients are on their journey and where they’re getting stuck or confused.

You can also cop-a-squat Pretty Woman style in some relevant Facebook groups and take notice of the kinds of questions coming up that align with what you offer.


5 Strategies To Conduct Market Research on Ideal Client

Get going on your own market research and just because you’ve done it once, doesn’t mean you ever really stop doing research on your ideal clients.  So, keep going.


PRO-TIP: No clients? No problem.  If you can’t take part in Numbers 1-3 from these 5 tips, look up other entrepreneurs who do something similar to you on social media and see what their audience is asking them about in their comments.  You’ve got this!

And, if you first need to know WHO your ideal client is in order to conduct your own market research, you’ll want in on my Identify Your Ideal Client Masterclass…it’s coming later this week as a Black Friday Special Offer you won’t wanna miss.

Get on my Black Friday Waitlist here.  (For early access & bonuses tied to the masterclass!)