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Brand Case Study: Kim Jacques, Midlife Health and Lifestyle Design

Kim Jacques is a Midlife Health and Lifestyle Design Coach for women, who joined The Brandpolish Academy for expert guidance in building her brand online after years of working in person in her referral-based business. From confused as to how to fit the feeling of her brand in an Instagram bio, to brand clarity and confidence, Kim now has a brand foundation she’s excited to build on. Read her full brand journey and the benefits of building her brand strategy below.

What did you feel were your biggest branding challenges before you joined THE BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY? 

I had been a health professional for years in the pre-pandemic “offline” space as a bodyworker and had always developed my business through in person relationships and referrals.

Stepping into a new career as a health coach in the “online” space I found myself confused and overwhelmed with where to begin. I intuitively knew who I wanted to work with and how I wanted to serve them, but was bumping into new hard to answer questions like, “How do you fit all of those feelings into an Instagram Bio?”

I’ve been much more of a FEELING person and it turns out that I needed to translate my feelings into the right words for the virtual space that gives more permanence to the word than a conversation might.

Looking at other coaches in my niche led to some good ideas, but mostly it led to my second guessing as I compared myself to others. 

I knew I needed a grounded approach that embraced intuition and allowed me to search and feel through the process and kept me on track and away from second guessing. Brand Polish Academy was PERFECT!

Hilary’s self-study program was rich in well defined processing activities that helped me to dig deep into myself. Then the group coaching sessions were an amazing opportunity to have Hilary add her magic touch to the rough draft. The community of walking through this path with others was soul filling and inspiring. 

What were some of the biggest benefits from your journey in THE BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY?

The group coaching was super valuable! Both the opportunity to have Hilary give feedback on my own work, as well as listening to the coaching of others. I gained so much of the confidence I was hoping for through this aspect of the program.

The progression of the program was genius. Starting out with simple activities like crowd sourcing words that people already identified me with and using music to discover the words that identify how I want to help people feel. They were fun and playful and really set a strong foundation.

The title I created for myself and my core values messaging are two of my brand strategy elements that were essential to my feeling solid in who I am and what I provide. They were both created in Brand Polish Academy and have served me well over the last year in my business. 

Brand messaging is ever changing but having a confident foundation upon which to build it out has been key.

How have you already put your brand strategy to work for you?

I’ve built my website, grown an email list from 0 to almost 2,000 and Facebook Group from 0 to 1,200. I have successfully launched a number of group programs in the last year based upon the clarity I gained inside Brand Polish Academy. It’s evolving and feeling stronger every day. 

What tangible results have you had in your business since getting clear on what your brand stands for and how to position it to your audience?

The confidence to put myself out there. Wearing the right brand messaging feels like having a gorgeous dress on that you want to proudly show off to the world. 

What are you most excited about for your brand after being part of THE BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY?

At this stage of life I’m excited to be building a business that feels aligned with my truth. I’m excited to have begun a “second act” career that will inspire me for the next 2 decades or more. 

If you had to tell another entrepreneur why it’s important to work on their brand strategy, what would you say?

Investing the time in developing a clear brand strategy FIRST will save so much time and money in the long run. But more importantly it’s also beneficial for your mental health & peace of mind. 

Being clear about my brand strategy has helped me to navigate the sea of shiny marketing solutions with an informed state of mind. Doing the work to understand more deeply who I am, who I serve and how I do it makes it easier to not get caught up in the FOMO of the “7 figures in three seconds” marketing tactics out there. 

More from Kim Jacques on The Brandpolish Academy by Hilary Hartling:

Before I met Hilary I was really struggling with second guessing myself and comparing myself to others in my niche. After going through BrandPolish Academy I felt confident in the unique value that I offer and how to express that through the written word.

If you’re looking to set a strong foundation upon which to build a profitable business in alignment with your truth, I highly recommend Hilary and her BrandPolish Academy.


On her website, Instagram or FB page…plus if you’re a midlife woman looking to elevate your health, check out her current program Making Peace With Food.