6 Month Goals Re-Set For Strategic Entrepreneurs

Goalsetting for entrepreneurs

I’m writing this at the very end of June 2021.  That means the first 6 months of the year is complete and it’s time to pause, assess and focus our attention on being intentional with the next 6 months.

If you’re a goal-getter and value the art of being strategic, here’s a mini re-set for you to begin thinking about your next set of 6 month goals.



First things first, remind yourself of the goals you set at the beginning of January.  What have you accomplished?  Where have you maybe fallen off course a bit?  Celebrate your wins, and notice where you want to adjust some things because you may know more about making a particular goal happen now that you’re well into this year.

Assess what’s really been working well for you so you can pull those elements and strategies forward with you.  Be real about what’s not working or where you’re currently holding yourself back.



Even if we have a clear goal, sometimes we can’t achieve it because we unknowingly sabotage our progress with stories we’re telling ourselves or unconscious limiting beliefs.  I like to use the WHAT IF Exercise to re-frame and create new affirmations for renewed momentum.


Taylor, a female entrepreneur, keeps saying that her online audience isn’t big enough to sell anything and that she only attracts people who want the freebies.

If she continues to believe this, it will continue to be true.  When you do the WHAT IF Exercise you ask yourself – WHAT IF the opposite of what I believe is true?

WHAT IF your audience is small but mighty, and even though you’re not speaking to thousands of potential customers yet, what if the ones you have are highly engaged, super hot leads who can’t wait to work with you?

Flipping this perspective helps to put you in the right mindset to actually go after your goals and make them a real possibility.  The limiting belief will hold you back.



Jessica started her own business and has been in hustle mode ever since. It’s summer, and everyone else is planning their vacations but she believes that taking a break from her business will result in a loss of momentum, loss of clients and lead her down the path of coming up short against her business income goals.

What you believe becomes your truth.  So, Jessica, WHAT IF the opposite were true?

WHAT IF taking time off recharges you, bringing more clarity, more energy & more ideas to better serve your audience, and you actually create more momentum in your business because of it.  You may actually end up surpassing your goals.



Online business owner, Lindsay, is scared of failing and she’s focused on doing everything possible to avoid failure.

Energy flows where focus goes. Let’s try the WHAT IF Exercise for Lindsay…

WHAT IF failure is a part of the process to grow your business?  And that without failure, you’ll never be ready for the next level? What if failing actually prepares you for greatness?

In summary, you can turn your current obstacle, negative thoughts or stories into a WHAT IF so you can begin to imagine the possibility that the opposite, more positive outcome could be true.


Brand Building Tips, 6-Month Goal Setting


Now that you’ve considered what worked and didn’t work during the first 6 months of the year and implemented the WHAT IF Exercise to shed some of those thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you, it’s time to plan your goals for the next 6 months.

Let’s keep it simple:

•      What are the 3 biggest goals that if you accomplished them in the next 6 months would drive your business forward and have the biggest impact?

•      If you’ve just written down a list of 10 huge things, cut it down.  See where you can simplify so your focus isn’t scattered across too many things.



After setting your goals here are 3 journal prompts to use:

 1 – What do you need to STOP doing in order to make those goals happen?

2 – What do you need to START doing to manifest your goals?

3 – Who do you need to BE to do all those things you want?



Get excited by your goals.  Seek inspiration for the things you are choosing to focus on.  Even if you chose a word for 2021 at the beginning of the year, pick a new Power Word that will help you become who you need to be to achieve the new goals you’ve set.

Do you need to be: Bold, Tenacious, Engaged, Present, Enthusiastic, Innovative…choose your word!

Make your power word part of your morning routine:

Ask yourself – how can I show up as [insert your word] today in order to stay aligned with my mission and vision?



The act of pausing, reflecting and clarifying what’s working for you and what you need to let go of is a powerful leap forward for you and your business.  Keep your 3 big goals and your power word top of mind and you can regularly do the WHAT IF exercise anytime a negative thought or story pops into your mind.  It will help you open up new pathways in your brain to re-frame, gain new perspective and imagine the possibilities to move forward. 

Here’s to the next 6 months – Let’s goooo!