Case Study: Lisa Seigle, Founder of A Menu For You

brand strategy for food bloggers

Lisa Seigle is a home cook and founder of the brand, “A Menu For You.” She helps other home cooks take their cooking to the next level and become more confident and fearless in the kitchen by offering a membership program with tons of amazing recipes as well as live cooking classes to regularly choose from!

The brand messaging and strategy has become much more clear for Lisa after going through my BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY program.


When Lisa first found my brand-building program, her biggest branding challenges were: 

  • Not knowing how to position herself or her brand

  • Not understanding how important “branding” is and that it’s so much more than a logo and fonts

  • Struggling to create a cohesive message

  • Trying to find her ideal clients and creating content to speak directly to them

“I felt lost in a sea of other food bloggers and struggled to find my footing and create content that would help me stand out.”



According to Lisa, she had so many takeaways and AHA moments as a student in the BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY.  

AHA #1: She discovered how to add more of her personal brand into her business and how to tell her story in a way that related back to her audience.

AHA #2: Lisa also discovered how to really narrow her niche and focus on creating content just for her ideal people.

AHA #3: How to focus on more of the benefits when communicating her offers to her audience rather than only talking about the features.

AHA #4: The importance of creating a CLEAR brand message in order to attract her ideal clients.


Once you find out how to identify your ideal client, the next step in the brand-building process is to position everything in your business to resonate with that target audience.

As Lisa honed in on her ideal audience for A MENU FOR YOU, she was able to:

  • Create a clearer message

  • Upgrade her email service provider, making her regular emails more cohesive with her brand in order to speak to her audience better

  • Create strategic content instead of guessing what they want and trying a thousand different things

  • Redesign her website homepage to speak more directly to her ideal clients

“I’ve learned to listen to my audience and create offers they want instead of constantly guessing.”


Home Cook Clarifies Brand Strategy


The step-by-step brand building process Lisa experienced in the BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY helped her gain the brand clarity she needed to create some tangible results for her business!

Here are some of the direct WINS Lisa has experienced for her brand, A MENU FOR YOU:

  • Website views have increased AND users are staying on her website longer

  • New collaborations have been forged with other food bloggers as well as with a fellow BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY student

  • Increase in Instagram engagement because she now creates content that resonates with her ideal audience

  • A huge shift in mindset that has helped her show up for her brand and grow her business

“Before BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY, I struggled with imposter syndrome, feelings of doubt and being unworthy.  Hilary helped me shift my mindset and I feel more confident, more sure of myself and my business and know I’m absolutely worthy of success!”



There’s a specific feeling that comes once you’ve achieved brand clarity.  You not only have the confidence to put yourself out there, you have a clear direction to follow.  For Lisa the lasting effects of building her clear brand strategy have been:

  • EXCITEMENT: for new collaborations coming

  • RENEWED INSPIRATION: to host live cooking classes

  • JOY: for a new Youtube channel concept she’s partnering with Jane of Myrtle’s Kitchen, who was another student in Lisa’s BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY class

  • CREATIVITY: with a new and clear brand strategy, Lisa is feeling more creative than ever before!

“If you’re not clear on your brand message, on who you’re talking to, on who your audience is, you’ll waste so much time trying to build your business. You’ll end up spinning your wheels and feeling frustrated as you try to figure out why your business isn’t growing or is stagnant. For a successful business it’s so important to create a clear, consistent brand message!”


Speaking of excitement, Lisa’s offering 3 new LIVE cooking classes right now in case you’re a foodie or home cook who wants to up your game in the kitchen - - - go check them out:

  • Valentine’s Date Night Cooking Class

  • Bridgerton Tea Time

  • French Bistro Dinner

She’ll help you cook some ridiculously delicious recipes and make cooking more joyful and easier with her awesome tips and tricks.


Here are some takeaways that Lisa is passionate about sharing with other entrepreneurs about her experience in the BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY - my program that helps business owners build a clear and cohesive brand to attract dream clients.

In Lisa’s words:

  • Some programs can either be extremely overwhelming or completely lacking in substance. That’s absolutely not the case with BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY

  • Hilary teaches in an extremely clear and concise way with slides and homework. You’ll be able to take action and implement right away!

  • Being in a small group also means getting an incredible amount of support from Hilary.

  • Plus, you’ll get accountability and the support of a fabulous group of other entrepreneurs (I loved how we all came together from a range of different backgrounds and industries, in different stages of our businesses and formed lifelong friendships and connections).

I can’t think of a better note to end on than that!  If you’re ready to build a clear and cohesive brand like Lisa did, get on the waitlist for BRANDPOLISH ACADEMY…doors are opening again soon!

BRAND CASE STUDY: Food Blogger Brand Clarity